Sunday, January 16, 2011

2010 - The beginning!

This time last year we were still in our old house in Havelock, still trying to sell it, still waiting for a buyer. It seems a world away now, and of course a lot has changed for us since then.

One thing that I did last year was to keep a journal of each days activities. I actually did keep it up consistently, and have an entry for every day of the year. Just now I read through the first five days, bringing back memories that would have been forgotten. So it's good to have something to refer to as I recall the highlights of 2010.

We had a surprise visit from Abe (actually it was only a surprise for Moya) for Christmas and New Year. It was great to spend some time with him, and you know it was packed full of activity (you know Abe), including visiting several friends he wanted to see. So it was a great start to 2010.

Here we are, finally!

Good day everyone!

We're finally getting started on this project, after much delay and procrastination. This was supposed to have been started early last year, but it just never happened. I don't know if it was the same for you, but for me, it seemed like last year flew by.

Anyhow, I thought this would be a neat way to keep everyone up to date on family events. I'm going to go back to 2010 first and try to do a review for you guys. I know some of it will be old news to some of you, so just skip on down if you want to, that's okay. Of course, feel free to comment on anything you see.

Hope you enjoy!
